Wednesday, April 30, 2008


There is a new place in the Sandy strip mall called BounceU. We took Brad and his friend Dillan there to play today. They rent giant blow up toys. They have open play a couple of times during the week. It was a hoot. They have several different toys for the kids to play on. Even the parents can get in and play along. I was quite impressed with how many toys they had. I also like that they don't charge the parents and the babies like some play places do. (I hate that...I am so cheap)

I think this picture pretty much sums up how much fun they had.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Price THEY Paid

I have the opportunity to go on the Handcart Trek with the YM and YW in our stake. They are going to Martin’s Cove. Randy and I are going as a Ma and Pa couple. I have never been on a trek before and I have to admit I was not very eager to accept the calling. The site is 8 hours away, I don’t know any of the YM or YW in the stake, it will be in the middle of July, there are a
lot of Rattlesnakes in Wyoming….just to name a few.
Randy thought it would be a good idea to learn a little about the handcart pioneers and purchased a book about the Willie and Martin handcart company. His intention was to read the book while we were camping last week. During one of my bouts of boredom I hastily stole the book from Randy and have not been able to put it down since. I have heard small blips and stories from the handcart trek in the past….but I have never read the stories in sequence.

I have never in my life been so consumed in a story before. I am sure most of you are familiar with this story…but because of all my years of ignorance to the story I feel completely compelled to share some of my thoughts and my sheer inability to comprehend what they went through.

First of all, whenever I used to think of a pioneer… a strapping cowboy or cowgirl came to mind. Full of frontier knowledge and the ability to survive the direst circumstances. Boy was I wrong. The Willie and Martin Company were European Immigrants that lived in bustling cities. Some of them were wealthy ladies and gentlemen. They gave up everything to go to Zion. The ones that did have any extra money were asked to give it to the members who could not afford the boat ride to America. So essentially all immigrants came with NOTHING, except a pure faith and desire to follow the prophet. All of them were completely poor and out of their element. Not to mention the language barrier. Some of them spoke little English or none at all. They didn’t know how to camp or hunt or survive. Just because they were called pioneers didn't mean they knew how to be one.

Dysentery and all kinds of diseases ran wildly through the company as well. Some of them were ill and weak before they began their journey. I can’t imagine pulling a cart and hiking for miles a day when feeling ill. I won’t even go to the gym if I think I might have a headache or the sniffles.

People died daily. They were starving and cold. The winter storms were so bad… they were loosing limbs, sight, and life from the Bitter Wyoming winter. Can you imagine trying to get a good nights rest in the middle of nowhere laying on the snow with no bedding, no shelter or tent with children?? Can you imagine loosing a husband or child and not even having the ability to burry them because of the hard ground or not having time to mourn because of the dire urgency to move on?? Can you imagine pulling a handcart and falling over and dying out of pure exhaustion and exposure?? It makes my heart ache.

So what have I learned?

I have not suffered a day in my life. I don’t know the meaning of suffering or pain. I have never had a bad day. I have nothing to complain about. I am blessed beyond measure.

Have I had a change of heart?

Entirely!!! I cannot wait to step on that sacred hallowed ground. I cannot wait to hear more stories of their journey. I cannot wait to share my conviction with the youth so they won’t be ignorant to the pioneers sacrifice for us. I cannot wait to meet them beyond this life and fall at their feet and thank them for their faith and sacred fervor for the building of Zion.

I truly feel blessed to live in a time where I can freely live the gospel without having to build it or be persecuted for it. I am honored to have the opportunity to participate in such a great calling.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Maiden Voyage

We just got back from taking our first camping trip of the year. Brad has asked all winter long if it was summer yet. He really missed the trailer. We went to Tremonton (It is near Crystal Hot Springs). The weather this last week was really cold. We spent about 95% of the time in the trailer because it was windy, snowy or rainy. We watched a LOT of movies…and just lounged around. Randy and I have been going about 100mph lately so we were in dire need of a break. It took some adjustment to go from 100 to about 5mph all at once. We got a little stir crazy at times but it was refreshing to spend some time together without being pulled in a million directions. The kids loved being in the trailer. Brad could not wait to go to bed at night. I think I might put him to bed outside in the trailer every night if it is that easy. I asked him to tell me the 5 best parts of the camping trip when we got home and he rattled off about 20 things. I am glad he had so much fun.

If any of you are thinking...."that is not camping you are bathing and watching movies"... All I can say is that I think this is the best way to camp. I am not brave enough to do it the tent way... AND...I love the furnace too much.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lets go BURN a kite!!!

Randy and I had the pea brained idea to let Brad fly a kite today. The tempest like winds were perfect for a nice flight, or so we thought. Oh boy... Did anyone notice the wind gusts today?
My hair just had no chance today. I can’t pull off that wind blown look. It looks so much better on movies and commercials. Good thing I have a college degree to fall back on.
The winds were so strong Brad literally had a brawl with the kite. The kite would wrestle him to the ground then try to smother him. I thought Brad was suffocating for a brief moment. I think the kite won every round.

After spending what seem like an eternity…. We finally got the bird into flight. I swore the kite was going to rip Brad’s skinny little arms off. The wind was so robust and gusty I thought he was going to float away with the kite.
The stupid bird kept nose diving into the ground, getting stuck in the trees, or busting it’s wings. It was so frustrating for Randy and me. If eagles were not endangered species, we would have burned the ridiculous thing. Brad sure thought it was hysterical.
After we ironed out all the quarks and the bird was happily soaring high in the sky… Brad of course wanted to hold the handle.
Claire sat in the stroller and watched the whole demonstration. She was not laughing with us… she was undoubtedly laughing at us.

I guess it was not all it was cracked up to be because he was bored after 2 minutes and wanted Randy to hold the string. He ended up playing stroller derby with the neighbors.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's always fun at Grandma's house.

I went to Randy's mom's house today to help her with some projects. Brad was so excited to spend the day there. She saved a lot of the boy’s old toys and games. There is always something fun to do at Nanny and Papa's. It brought back a flood of memories for me. My grandma had the best toys. My favorite toy was a little doll that had strawberry breath. You would squeeze the dolls tummy and it smelled like strawberries. My grandma also had the most awesome dress ups. We used to get all dressed up and do shows for the adults. My mom has an awesome box full of dress ups too. Since most of my mom's grandkids are girls Brad gets roped into putting on high heels and princess crowns occasionally. We just roll or eyes. Whitters calls him her prince. She makes him dance with her too. What training brad is getting from his cousins. I can't wait until Claire is old enough for the dress ups. I LOVED them as a little girl.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I love having a little girl!!!!!

Go Bees!!

Saturday we went to a Salt Lake Bees game with Randy’s family. Randy got tickets for us (SUPER CHEEP, LIKE ALMOST FREE). It was so entertaining. We showed up a little early and decided to get some hot dogs. Bradley is still really young and doesn’t get it yet, so we went to the 7-11 across the street and bought them and ate them on the lawn outside the gate. We will buy him a $10 hot dog when he is older and can appreciate it. Although, I am all grown and still have a hard time appreciating a $10 hot dog. We felt a little trashy sitting there on the lawn enjoying our dogs. Oh, well our pocket books thanked us. It was a gorgeous sun-drenched day. The weather was textbook sunny with not a cloud in the sky. The company was fantastic too. I don’t know if Brad was more excited about his foam finger (GO BEES) and snow cone, or the actual game. Brad gets spoiled to death by his uncles. He sure loves to be with them.

Brad with Nanny and Papa.
Claire wasn't so sure about the licorice.
Randy's brother Tim and his wife Kamie.
Randy's brother Matt and Lance.
I would also like to thank my mother for giving me her marvelous fair skin. (I love hand me downs.) I get the worst burns. I have been sporting this purple stripe all day at church. I was so embarrassed. I tried to keep my collar up as far as I could all day. The worst part was the comments…. Boy you have been out in the sun. Hummm… really....I didn’t notice. I better check it out the next time I am in front of a mirror.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Déjà vu

Monday I had an episode of Déjà vu. I sat in a cold sterile room in a blue revealing gown thinking…I have been here before… I know this seem so familiar. That’s right I was here last Monday. Yup… I was at the hospital AGAIN!!!!
I was rear ended by some chick on Monday on my way to work. I must have had a sticker on my bumper that said. “This car is paid off, I really really want to go back to the hospital, I feel like having and insurance battle and I would love to call in sick for work today.”
What a pain this week has been.
To any of you that have had whiplash, I am sincerely sorry. It is the worst most painful thing. It is excruciating just to keep my head up. I feel like my neck, shoulders and back are on fire.
And my poor car… I am sure they are going to total it, which means no more car. We can’t buy a new car with the $2 they are going to give us. However they did deem it drivable. Now how do you drive a car with a trunk that will not close and a seat that slides back and forth?
I know I am whining like a baby. I know it could have been a lot worse. I am so relieved my children were not in the car.
I genuinely apologize for all the griping. Thanks for listening. My neck feels better already.

Friday, April 4, 2008

I am loosing it because she is loosing it.

Claire has started to loose her hair this week. It has been falling out in clumps. Her hair is everywhere. The only hair that has stayed is this little tuft on top. It is so soft and wispy that it sticks straight up. If I lick it enough I can do a sweet comb over. I am not sure what to do with it. There is not enough to clip it or put it in an elastic. I have a feeling she is going to have a bad hair month. Any suggestions??

I thought she was going to have strawberry blonde hair. I was wrong. It is growing in platinum blonde like Bradley’s hair. I hope it grows in WHITE WHITE like Brad’s too.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

In liu of flowers... you can send me money.

This week has been quite the blur. Randy had to take me to the ER on Monday because I was certain that I had appendicitis. My paranoia was just a bellyache and a $100 co pay Oh, and the standard ER slogan “call your doctor if things get worse.” I was sure they were going to say” I am sorry mam, you are DYING!!” At least they have a big flat screen in each room at the new IMC hospital. We got to watch afternoon TV for hours. It was a Judge Judy marathon. Too bad they wouldn’t feed me anything; I could have used some popcorn and a Diet Coke. The rest of the week I have spent moping around gathering any bit of sympathy from anyone who will give it. I am happy to report that I am better and I still have many years to live.