Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday Morning Tidbits

1. My children were angels this morning. Claire went back to sleep this morning after her feeding, and Brad watched a movie. I actually got to snooze and doze in this morning. It doesn't count as real sleep because Brad woke me up every 20 minutes or so to let me know that the sun was awake. But real sleep or not I will take it. Every minute counts. Brad's movie of choice was Underdog. The other day he called it Underwear Dog on accident and we all laughed. Now he thinks he is a comedian because that is the movies permanent name. UNDERWEAR DOG!!!

2. Randy had the day off from work yesterday and school does not start until next week so we spent the whole day together. It was so great. We had to go shopping for a new coat for Brad. He needed a new one so bad. His old one went clear up to his elbows. How embarrassing. We went to Burlington Coat factory. That place has a lot of coats, but it was a disaster. I guess they have not yet recovered from Christmas. They were completely out of snow boots. I found that odd considering they are a coat place. Don't people generally buy snow boots for their kids when they buy a winter coat? Oh well. After all of our shopping we went to dinner at the old Francesco's (now known as Chef Toms) We ordered pizza. It was so good. In fact it was so good I am going to share the leftovers with all of you.

3. My Hair..... I decided to go somewhere in the middle. I can still pull it back and it is off my shoulders. I like it a lot. It feels good not to have to use a gallon of shampoo at every washing.
4. I had a dream last night about going to Lava with the girls next week. I can't wait!!!

5. When I got pregnant with Claire, Randy was nominated to do all of the vacuuming. I had a C-Section and thus still can't vacuum. So it is not surprising that we now have a new I-robot Roomba. Randy does such a great job at keeping the floors clean. Too bad the I-robot does not clean bathrooms and do the dishes.


natalie spratling said...

love the hair. it is always fun to have a change. i wish i was going to lava with you guys, you'll have to share the highlights when you get back. just to visit and see everyone would be so much fun. we will be in Idaho that weekend but in Rexbury (for the temple open house) not lava. enjoy your day:)

katie said...

Your hair looks fabulous....and that pizza. Yum. Have you heard of Steve and Barry's? It's a clothing store by Cottonwood High School that sells clothes for cheap. Nothing in the store is over $20. I bought Jenna a new down-filled winter coat there last month for $10. She loves it. Google "steve and barry's". It's great.

natalie spratling said...

re: primary photo yes, i just stood on a chair. if you have any great primary ideas i would love new ideas.

The Reimann's said...

I love your hair it looks so great, but than again your hair always looks amazing. I can't wait to go to lava, i wish we were leaving today instead of in a week.

Anonymous said...

I dont think Jenny gave enough props to the Roomba. I love the roomba. here is a link so you can love roomba too.

Anonymous said...

I think the ROomba was given adequate props...I will take this opportunity to give props to my heating pad...the one you gave us for our wedding. It has come in handy so many times! So thanks...props to you, your heating pad and your Roomba. Jen, you look FANTASTIC, as always:)