Saturday, November 27, 2010

School of Service

Richmond 2nd ward primary

For our last quarterly activity in Primary we did a school of service. It took a TON of prep work but it turned out great. I got the idea from the internet. I believe in borrowing ideas. Makes my life so much easier.

We split into four classes. We had P.E.- (Perfect Example) where they talked about Jesus being a perfect example of Service.

Then they had HEALTH where they learned about keeping their minds and bodies healthy.

They then had ART class where they did a service project and made cards for people in our neighborhood serving our country.

The last class was BOOK OF MORMON HISTORY where they made a title of liberty.

We asked them to bring their backpacks to take home their schoolwork and take home some homework for extra credit.

After school pictures were taken we served them a little sack school lunch.

We let them go through the cafeteria and assemble their own lunches.

We even had some of the teachers dress up as lunch ladies.

I was so glad when it was all over. It was some serious organized chaos.

Serving as Primary president had been such a blessing. I LOVE these kids and they make it so easy to serve. They are always so happy and upbeat. They are so easy to please. I have the best calling in the ward.

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