Monday, September 24, 2012

Harrison...AKA Snaggle Tooth

Harrison finally has some teeth. In fact only one is growing on the top. He looks like a little pirate. Everyone tries to get him to smile because that little snaggle tooth is way too cute. 

He is starting to pull himself up to everything. He wants to walk so bad! He will stand on his own for a few seconds at a time. It is funny because he will put his hands straight into the air when he tries to stand without support.

He has such a cute personality. He is by far my most snugly baby.  When he gets shy or embarrassed he buries his head into my shoulder. 

We just started to introduce him to the word "NO". When he hears the word he shakes his head no...then laughs. Since it turned into a game for him we had to change our tone when we used the word "NO"

The first thing we wanted to try was to tell him no when he throws his food on the floor at the high chair. We use a firm tone. He gets the saddest look on his face with a big frown and the saddest cry. You can tell it hurts his feelings. After a few times he seemed to get the hang of it. The next day he was sitting at his high chair eating. He looked straight at me and threw food on the floor. Before I had a chance to say anything he got a big frown and started crying like he knew what was coming. It broke my heart. He punished himself. 

Harrison is so fun. He makes us laugh every day. He has been such a great and needed addition to our family. He is so chill and mellow. We love you buddy!!!

1 comment:

Marcy M Miller said...

He is the cutest kid!!! And I love his cute little personality.