Falling off the posting wagon is rather painful. I still have bruises. It is hard to be out of the loop of my dear friends and family.
We are finally settled in and comfy. If you don’t want to be bored with these details you don’t have to read this post…but I feel I owe an explanation to my children. It was so hard for Brad to pack up his toys and prized possessions and put them in a box just to put them in cold dark storage. It was a whole different story to downsize and give some to the DI.
The day after Christmas Randy and I plopped on the couch like loaves of stale bread and sighed… We were exhausted. This last semester has been really hard on us and the kids. We have been burning the candle at both ends for a really long time. We looked at each other and simultaneously decided that something had to give. As most of you know Randy and I had a second job working at my Uncle’s Carwash. We have been doing it for 5 years. Instead of paying us wage, he let us live in his Duplex while we attended school. It has been such a blessing in our lives. It allowed us to pay for school instead of rent so we didn’t have to get any student loans. Now that Randy is in his last few classes, they have increased in time and intensity. Randy also was called to be in the Bishopric in our ward. Again a huge blessing in our lives, but also very time consuming. Randy still works at the Bank and I still work at the University Hospital. Between work, school, second job, and callings, we decided we needed to eliminate one of them. We determined the best option was to quit our second job. Obviously quitting school was not an option. Since living in the Duplex was our wage we had to move, and since we were between semesters we had to move quickly before the new semester started. We made the decision on Friday quit on Saturday and were packed and moved out by Tuesday. Another reason for the urgency to be out of the duplex was so my uncle could have an empty duplex to offer a new employee.
Leave it to my brother Steven and my fabulous sister Kari to open their arms and home to us. They live in a Condo with 2 extra bedrooms that they so graciously offered to us.
(To check it out go HERE). Since we will be buying a home in a few months it seemed like the perfect alternative to finding a small apartment. So we put all our belongings in storage and moved in with my family. It has been so fun. The only drawback is we stay up way to late at night talking and still get no sleep.
This was a very complicated decision for us. We prayed to our Heavenly Father to guide us through this difficult decision. He has poured his blessings so heavily upon our little family. The day we decided Randy called the Bishop in the ward to tell him we would be leaving the ward. The Bishop’s response was simply “I know. The Lord told me that this morning. It was a fleeting thought that crossed my mind. I knew it was coming. ” His response gave my heart peace and reassurance to know that we are doing the right thing. Now we can focus on Randy’s graduation this may, our family, and finding a new job and home in Cache Valley.