Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Do these pants make me look fat???

Living with Steven and Kari has not helped me maintain any idea of a girlish figure. Not that I had a girlish figure before but I have certainly swooped in the wrong direction. The problem is I now live with two other people who share my love for sugary, syrupy, sweet, saccharine filled food. Every night after dinner dishes are done and the kids are tucked in their beds I head straight to the kitchen to satisfy my super sweet tooth. Normally I do a pretty good job of curbing my sweet tooth because Randy is not a huge glucose enthusiast. Eating a huge bowl of ice cream by myself usually comes with a heaping scoop of guilt on top. However if “everybody else is doing it” the guilty topping is much easier to swallow. Now every night before settling on the couch for a nightly episode of Heroes season 1 (my new addiction) I must have a desert to accompany it. Last night I decided enough was enough. So I forced a piece of Extra Peppermint gum in my mouth to substitute my craving. I crossed my arms and chewed as quickly as I could. I even had to close my eyes and concentrate on conquering self control. It worked… I didn’t indulge last night but I woke up with a REALLY sore jaw.


Jenn said...

Ha Ha Ha! I feel your pain!

Rachel said...

Awesome job! My evening endulgence is homemade nachoes!

Sara said...

I am glad I am not the only one who has these indulgence every night. It varies from popcorn to a candy bar, to a full fledge meal. Depending on when I at dinner. But the guilt hasn't hit me yet. Derek keeps telling me I need to exercise...Just don't have the disire to do that either!

Kim said...

So have 1 scoop of ice cream and a dollop of guilt instead of a whole bowl. See, don't you feel better already?

The Hood's said...

I totally understand! I wish the dentist could remove my sweet tooth! Bummer about the sore jaw! I love bubble gum to curb the craving. Your jaw adjusts eventually. I know it's more calories, but there's way more flavors to choose from!!
You are absolutely beautiful Jenny!

Simi B. Cazeau said...


Let me inspire you....Have you heard of P90X? Well, Derek and I are on it and its brutal!! Derek has lost 12 lbs already and its only been 2 weeks!(I'm doing the bulk up version) I'm sure he can burn you a copy if you want it! Ask Stacy about its killer

katie said...

This is why I don't buy ice cream. But I think you look rather fabulous!