Tuesday, April 21, 2009


-The other day we were watching Veggie Tales. (A cute animated show that teaches good values with humor) The story was about a little girl who had a pet FIB. Whenever she lied the fib would grow bigger and bigger until it was a huge monster. I turned to Brad and said, “See Brad when you lie it becomes a big monster!” He replied “Nope…I lie ALL the time and that monster NEVER shows up.”

-Dad will you please come and hog the toilet. (Unclog the toilet)

-Mom I just twisted my wrinkle. (Twisted my ankle)

-I love to eat Hock Dogs. (Hot dogs)

-Brad and I were walking into the house the other day and passed a man in the stairwell. He was smoking a cigarette. As soon as we passed him Brad YELLED, "that man is smoking...he is going to DIE, huh mom?" I could not get him into the house fast enough.


Rachel said...

HAHAHAHA :) The FIB monster story is the best! We love Veggitales!

Simi B. Cazeau said...

Way to go Brad!!! I never fail to tell my kids how disgusting it is when we pass by people smoking....

Beck said...

Oh my word, that is hilarious!

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

Ha ha ha ha!!! I think i still talk like that sometimes.... and veggi tales is the best! kiersti and i still watch it!!

Taren said...

All I can can say is I love it!!

Chelsea said...

Ha HA HA! I Loved that post! So funny!