Monday, April 6, 2009

It's about time...

...for an update.

*Our family has been battling illness FOREVER. We just keep passing illness to each other. I was terribly sick this weekend. My sweet Kamie and Tim brought us dinner on Friday night. What angels!!! Kamie took me to an instacare and then laid next to me, watched a girly movie, fed me chocolate and kept me company. Then my mom called me Saturday and offered to help with the kids so I could get some rest. She even let me sleep in her big soft cozy bed while she chased my kids around all day. My mom is the greatest. I wish her mom could have been around for her when she was my age. She would have loved it. There is somthing about my mom's bed that is theraputic. When I was still living at home I would beg her to let me sleep with her any chance I could. I loved it when my dad would go out of town. I am sure it was her bed that made me better and NOT the anibiotics.

*We are still scheduled to close on our house tomorrow. Keep a prayer in you heart and you fingers crossed. My gutts are all tied up in knots from anxiety, fear, excitement and thrill. I hear most people suffer from carpal tunnel after signing all the documents.

*I was offered a new job in Cache Valley. I get to stay in the Operating Room. A lot of stress has been relieved since I found a new job. Randy has had a coulple of interviews. Nothing seems to fit yet. What a crummy job market. We picked a bad time to graduate.

*Claire gives a pretty nasty dirty look. She gave one to Dr. Shakula today when he tried to peek in her ears. She didn't appreciate it at all. If looks could kill...I would have to find a new pediatrician.

* Brad started reading last week. He is so excited. We are so proud of him. I am so excited for him to start kindergarten this fall.

*I have such a great family. I love them very much. I have a wonderful husband who loves and cares for us. We have been blessed so much. Our Heavenly Father has been so mindful of us. Things have just fallen into place and we are so blessed.


Steven and Kari said...

I love you and your family so much, i am so thrilled for you to close on your house, yet i am completely depressed about you leaving home...

I am so heppy that you are mostly over your cold... it was a nasty one

natalie spratling said...

Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Thank goodness for moms. Good luck tomorrow with the house. Hope all goes well.

Tiffany said...

Sorry you have been sick. Congratulations on the new job and on the house--so exciting! Good luck!

Andrea Campbell said...

Good luck with closing. That is such a stressful time, waiting to see if it's going to happen, signing, waiting for the keys, etc. Let us know how it goes. This is so exciting!

Kam said...
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Kam said...

You are going to love Cache Valley! It is a wonderful place to live. You are in my prayers today.

I am so glad you are feeling better! Being sick SUCKS!!!

Brett and Megan said...

I'm glad you are starting to feel better. We still need to do lunch before you move. I hope everything goes well with closing!

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

I like all others love you and your family!! I'm so happy that things are falling into place.. it's such a peaceful feeling when things go right, and just knowing that heavenly father is watching over us makes it even better! And the dirty looks... it's what we girls do best!! :)

p.s. I will send you my graduation pictures!!! But i'm gonna need a address! you can just text it to me, and i'll mail one off! :)

Annie said...

i miss you already

The Hood's said...

You're supposed to be over this junk already! Yuck! Thank heaven for family who love us!
I am so excited about your house! Good luck signing! Glad you can stick to the OR! I don't want you to leave though... even though I haven't seen you for months! Maybe I'll pick up part of your shifts at work! Thanks for the update, I'll be watching for a home owners update!

Brad and Rochelle said...

Congratulations on the house! you guys are so smart to buy right now! Although your house is nicer than the one we are getting it is still incredibly exciting and stressful thing ever. I am glad you are all starting to get better. Keep us updated!

Jenn said...

Yea, you're closing on your house!I'm so excited and sad at the same time, I wish you weren't moving! Exciting stuff, I will keep my fingers crossed!

Tori said...

I'm bummed I missed you guys yesterday, although Matt said he only saw you for a minute. CONGRATULATIONS, Matt said you are now officially homeowners! It is a little sad though that when I move down to Salt Lake, you move up here to Cache Valley, so we won't run into each other as much. I hope the kids are good, hopefully I see you soon!

katie said...

Oh how I love Cache Valley. I'm completely jealous. Hopefully everything worked out. As for your mom....Dear Lisa, I'm sick and want to come lay in your bed while you chase MY kids around! Thanks.

Jes said...

Yeah...happy dance...yeah!!! Signing the papers is a little scary but knowing you have a house you love and can do whatever you want to make it your own is worth it!

I am sorry to hear that you were sick, it is really hard when you are the mom and can't take a sick day, your mom is really awesome! Can't wait to hear more about the house!

Rachel said...

Oh, how fun to buy a house!! And congrats on the job! Phew! But you will be missed, greatly. And to think, we were just getting to know each other. :) I do hope this "sick bug" will go far, far away, forever and ever. Is that too much to ask?? Hope you're feeling better!

Kierdie Bug said...

It's sad to have you guys move. But it's probably nice for you guys to have a change. You guys should come up and visit us and have a game and movie night :]

Simi B. Cazeau said...

Congrats Jen and Randy!!!
Let us know when we can tour the house!!!