Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Weekend

Saturday morning we bundled up for the Richmond Hunt. It was freezing but the weather didn't seem to dampen the kids festive spirits.

Easter morning the bunny left a few gifts and Randy hid eggs for the kids. We ate cinnamon rolls and ate our dyed Easter eggs for breakfast.

It was nice to have General Conference over Easter. The talks were wonderful. I loved how much they focused on the family. It makes me feel like a chicken trying so hard to gather her chicks. I have a refreshed outlook on motherhood and needed the encouragement.

Randy and I closed on our house last year over Easter weekend. The year has flown by. I remember spending the first weekend in our house and loving the sound of the birds chirping in the morning. The birds have returned and I am looking forward to some warmer weather.


Sara said...

Looks like you had a really fun Easter! Can't believe that you have been in your house for a year.

Andrea Campbell said...

Has it really been that long? Hopefully next year the weather is better for easter weekend. Who wants snow???