The last few months have been a really rough ride for me. Some of you know that I have struggled with my health. I will spare you the details because no one likes a bellyacher. I don’t mention this in my blog to generate pity or sympathy. I just want to give credit where credit is due. The last few weeks my health escalated into something I have never experienced in my life. My only option was to take a drug that spiraled my body into a wild range of side effects and unexpected circumstances. I felt desperate and scared. I made a difficult phone call to my mom. Not difficult because I didn’t think she was willing to help, but because she bends over backward for anyone’s aid. I literally sobbed to her on the phone… and she let me. She took care of me and my kids without skipping a beat. I appreciate it and love her for her empathy and understanding. I wish from the deepest part of my heart that she had my luxury. Unfortunately her mother passed away when she was 14. She didn’t have a mom to call when she felt overwhelmed, emotionally weighed down, or just plain angry. I am sad for her. I am one fortunate girl. Everyone deserves a mommy. I am so grateful for our almost daily conversations. It is nice to have someone to talk to.
I am generally a pretty private person. I do have a rationale for writing about this tender experience. I want to pay it forward. My hope is that one day my children with stumble upon my writings . I hope they read this and know that I want to be there for them too. I want to tell them that they don’t have to struggle on their own. I want to be a support to them. I want to help sustain them and buoy them up in time of need. IT IS OKAY TO ASK FOR HELP!!!
I feel much better now…
I have felt so good the last few days. It is nice to have myself back. Now that my feet are back on the ground, I feel like I can catch up with life again. I decided to celebrate Easter a little early. The kids and I dyed Easter eggs while we waited for daddy to get home from work. Claire made a disaster of a mess but it was worth seeing her silly grin. Brad worked like crazy getting every egg perfect. He was so proud that he could dye 10 eggs in the time it took Claire to do one. The next day we made Easter cookies for daddy’s employees at the bank. We got a fun Easter surprise from Nanny and Pappa who are on vacation for Easter. They LOVE packages.
The last two days have made up for EVERYTHING!! I love my kiddos. I am excited to have a nice quiet weekend at home with Randy and the kids. Happy Easter.
Thank you Jenny for your comments and tribute. As a mother you always wonder if you are impacting your children in a positive manner. I want to be the mother I wish I had during my child bearing years. I will always be there for my children, for there is nothing else in the world equal to your family. Dad and I love each of you dearly. Love Mom
oh goodness, you almost made me cry:) i love you and your incredible family!!! you have been in my thoughts and prayers soooo much lately! hang in there. call anytime. my schedule is open, the perks of being a full-time stay at home wife!
your photos are priceless, such adorable kiddos!
I am so sorry to hear that you have been having a rough time and I whole heartedly agree that it is great having a mom. My mom's too passed away when my mom was just 17. I am glad that you had a good Easter and I just have to tell you that we need to get together. Amanie cried today cause she wants to see Brad.
I saw your mom at their ward last sunday with Brad and Claire. She said you were not well, so I'm glad that you area doing better.
Hang in there. Yes I agree...your mom is fabulous!
I wish everyone could be as blessed as we are to have great moms like we have.
Im glad that you are doing much better and got to enjoy Easter with the Kids! I have been bad this year and the weather didnt help! But looks like you had enough fun for the 2 of us!
Sorry to hear you were not feeling well,if you need anything just let me know. Tell Randy thanks for letting Hallee fly the kite, she has wanted to do that for so long, but I have a hard time getting anything done like that.
Jenny! I've been thinking about you a lot this week! You've been in our prayers! We missed you guys at the dunes and wished you were there! I'm glad you have such a wonderful mom to take care of you! I really don't know her much but I know she is seriously amazing! Looks like you guys had a fun Easter weekend! Oh... feel free to use the idea of "dear 16 year old me" :) (it wasn't my idea anyway, I stole it too!)
You have been in our thoughts and prayers so much lately. We are SO glad that you are feeling a bit better.
We missed you guys at the dunes, it was such a fun trip!
I am glad the kids got their Easter things, it sounds like you had a GREAT Easter. We miss you all, and send our LOVE!
Let me know if you need anything! My car pretty much pooped out tonight, so hopefully i'll be getting a new one soon, and I can come up for a visit or something..... i'm sorry it's been hard.
Easter looked fun, The eggs turned out 100000000 times better and more vibrant then ours! I Like 'em!
Hey I texted you but i'm not sure if you got my text... I need to know what days i need off in july!!! and asap if possible, so i can get them off....... :) :) If you'd still like me to come.
I'm so sorry! I had no idea you were struggling! I hope that you are feeling better and recovering!
I love your post! Moms are THE BEST! How fortunate we are to have loving moms that we can depend on when in need!
The kids are darling! Love the video of Claire! She is beautiful!
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