Friday, January 16, 2009

I dust my hands

I found out this week that when you make the decision to LEAVE a city… you MUST sever all ties to that city. Randy is still working in THE city and apparently THE city missed us so much it wanted to keep a part of us for itself.

Randy walked out of his work establishment Wednesday night and found to his surprise (but not really surprised) that his car had been stolen. Yes we were robbed once again!!!!

The cops did recover our little prize commuter rice burner, but I still feel incredibly violated. He violated others too. They found the remnants of some poor woman’s purse contents scattered in the trunk of our car. He took Randy’s fresh from the press, still in their cozy plastic wrapping, text books, along with my parking pass for the U, and the car seat. (I sure hope he did not have one of his kids with him when he swiped our car.)

We were feeling pretty fortunate when we got the phone call to come and pick up the car. As we drove home together we shook our heads and laughed at our situation…until our chuckles for our misfortune turned into screams because the brainless criminal broke the latch on our hood. Naturally when we accelerated on the freeway the hood flew up and wreaked havoc on our lives once again. Fortunately we were not hurt just angry. Not only did we have our car stolen but it has now been crippled.

I dust my hands of THE city. It may have broke my windshield, bent the hood until it was unrecognizable and completely demolished the mirrors, but it helped me yet again realize we made the right decision.


The Hood's said...

OH MY GOSH!! I can only imagine how happy you are to not be living there anymore! I am so sorry for the destruction and pointless theft!
I am so glad that you're okay too! I cannot imagine the fear when your hood flies up in your face! Hopefully things will keep looking up! The fact that you can laugh, shows what good people you are (as if I wondered)! Keep your beautiful smile on your face!

Beck said...

HOLY COW! Sounds like your little family has been quite the target.

I'm glad you are all safe and have the car back.

Jenn said...

Oh my goodness! Good ridance!

Sara said...

I am just happy to hear that you got your car back. I am sorry that the dirt bag got away with so much. Hopefully your insurance will actually buck up this time and pay out.

Simi B. Cazeau said...

You Gotta love the HOOD! I'm glad you guys are okay!

Stacy said...

I can't believe that.....Wait in West Valley, ya I can believe that.
I am so sorry! You guys have been through A LOT. I hope things get better for you! I am glad that they found the car mostly in one piece.

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

I still can not believe that!! At first when you sent me a text about that I thought you were joking around with me like brad and rochelle occasionally do.. but then when you said it really had happened I couldn't believe it! I have to say I do not understand some people... and had the hood flown up on me I probably would have swerved and caused havoc on some other persons life. I'm so sorry that happed to you!! but I'm glad to say it wasn't one of my friends! cause I probably would have been beat up before I could be them up!:] I'm glad all well and you are all safe, and I'm glad it was just a car!

Kim said...

Yikes! What city are you living in, Atlanta? Oh wait, we live outside of Atlanta and haven't ever had a problem. We will NOT be moving back to's too dangerous. So sorry to hear about the felony. So glad you've moved to a better place.

katie said...

Sorry about all that crapola. Liz is a good crime scene investigator. I'm sure she'd love to hunt the creeps down.

Taren said...

That sucks!!! I have crazy dreams about that happening to me all the time. Thank goodness it has never happened in real life. I'm glad you could get a good laugh out of it...but man, that sucks!!! I am so sorry. I grew up in glendale so I understand the craziness of the "hood." I wouldn't go back either.

Tiffany said...

Good grief! Get out of dodge. Come to Pennsylvania.

natalie spratling said...

My sentiments exactly "OH MY GOSH...ditto to the comments. I'm just glad you are all OK.

Our Family said...

Brady and I could not believe that when Randy text us! Sorry! I guess it's happened a lot in that parking lot! I'm glad things worked out!

Nielson Family said...

Wow that sounds just like West Valley. We are so glad that we are no longer there. It has been quiet with no gun shots and stealing cars.. We love it in Stansbury Park. You should move out here.