Sunday, July 19, 2009

Where are the hippos??

We took the kids to the local Zoo after I got off work a little early last week. It is small but really cute and well taken care of. Last year we bought Brad a season pass for the Hogle he is somewhat of an expert on Zoo inventory. He wanted to know where they were hiding all of the big animals. He was left wanting more. To keep him from spoiling it for Claire we bribed him with the playground next door. He agreed and played along. Claire was so excited to see all the animals. We had to pry her from one exhibit to see the next. She was way impressed.

We packed a bologna sandwich dinner and played at the park. It is a good my kids are not old enough to notice being surrounded by much better food than bologna. I was the only one who felt deprived….especially the CafĂ©’ Rio smells from the bench across the way. Not a single mom had packed lunch. I was quite surprised.

While the kids played on the playground some older kids came along. Brad is the most social kid I know, so naturally he approached them and invited them to play. He just wanted to be their friend. Instead the punk kids were mean and said some unkind things to him. He came over to us sobbing. I felt so bad. He is so tender. I mothered him and told him it was okay and to just try to be nice to them. Randy interjected his fatherly advice and says “No way, if kids are being mean punch them in the face”… Brads face lit up and I shot Randy the “great, how are you going to dig yourself out of that big comment hole” look. Luckily Brad didn’t take either one of his parents dumb advice and compromised. He stood up for himself and told the kid he didn’t want to play with him because he could always find someone else to play with and to stay away from him. I was so proud.
I think there is such a fine line when it comes to helping your children through social interaction. It is hard to teach kindness but also confidence and sticking up for yourself. Apparently both Randy and I suck at it. Glad Brad figured it out for himself.


Todd and Melissa Titensor said...

Jenny you have the cutest kids!! I will trade you straight across Sammy for Brad and Claire. Even trade right?!!

Darcie said...

Willow Park doesn't quite add up to Hogle Zoo does it? But, I quite like the relaxing atmosphere. You are so funny that you took all those pictures of peoples food, I think I would have ditched the bolgna and gotten some take out.

Taren said...

I was just having the whole "helicopter parent" "bully" conversation last night. Colton has a cousin who is quite the bully. We told him to hit him as hard as he can the next time he hits him. It probably will never work but it makes me feel better. My sister informed me that the "hit back" mentality that we have taught our child will get him expelled from school. I guess we as parents just need to let our kids handle things sometimes.....good for Brad!!

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

Aw, cute little bradly is just growing up.. Soooo next time when Randy is mean to me, I can just punch him in the face right?!? ha ha just kidding! **oh, and blue cheese is the best stuff ever!! People who don't like it just have broken taste buds!**

Rachel said...

That's awesome!! :)

The Reel Fisch Story said...

I think that's hilarious that you guys were the only ones without take-out!! It was good to see you too! I realized I needed a picture of you at the shower, or of one of all four of us!! Let me know if you have one:) We'll make sure to come sleep in Brad's bed soon!!

The Hood's said...

Poor little Brad.... oooooh I hate mean kids! Good for him for taking care of things!
I love all the pics of the take-out! They would probably die if they knew they were pictured on your blog! I love it!
At least Claire is impressed with the zoo... good news for when Brad is in school, and then she won't know any better for a fun day out!!

Marcy M Miller said...

The zoo is a little disappointing- huh- mostly birds! I love that you took pictures of what other people brought to eat- we would have been one of those other people! I'm glad you found my blog!

Kam said...

There was once upon a time a bear at Willow Park...but I am afraid that it may never see the likes of a hippo.

Stacy said...

Well, Jenny I'd have to agree with Randy...I was raised to beat people up if they made fun of me and I turned out just fine LOL. Okay maybe I did get suspended several times in school for fights but do I regret it? "No!". I'd totally do it again....That's why bullying has become such a problem now a days parents forget to teach kids to stick up for themselves...I will probably teach my kids to give the bully a warning but if it happens again "Punch him as hard as you can" I'll get off my soap box now LOL...Simi

Kierdie Bug said...

Your kids are adorable! Brad is so cute im proud of him for sticking up for himself too he has grown up so much!