Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear 16 year old me….

I have so much I want to tell you but don’t want to spoil all of the surprise. You have so much to look forward to. I just have a few items of advice to give from an older more experienced you.
Remember when we were 12 and couldn’t wait to reach 16? I know that now you are wishing you were 21. Hang in there it will happen before you know it. Being 16 is fun. I know you hate that old Eagle Wagon that you have to drive around but be grateful. At least you have a car. Work hard and save your money you will have a better set of wheels before you know it. Try to drive slower. I know you are in a hurry but you will be terrified when you go to court and stand before a super scary judge later in the year. Speeding is over rated. Lets not lose our license, you have only been driving for few months.
I know you think you are so smart and know what is best for you. Trust me you don’t and when you are 30 you won’t know it all either. Listen to your parents. They really just want you to turn out a well rounded woman. They are not trying to destroy your fun. You will always turn to them for advice. I know you think that a 10 o’clock curfew is rough but one day you will wish you still had a 10 o’clock curfew.
Work hard in school. All your efforts will help you in the future. Don’t give up on your goal. You are going to love being a nurse. It will provide for your family, and put your husband through school. Plus putting in an IV is fun.
Enjoy your skinny healthy body while you can. After a while it gets really hard to keep it that way. Oh and stop wearing those short shorts. You will stumble across pictures of you in them when you are older and you will cringe. Don’t worry, I burned them so our little daughter won’t see them but seriously stop wearing them. Be modest. It is worth it.
In a year you will meet a boy that will change your life forever. He is a little rough around the edges but you can’t get enough of him. He is energetic, loud and just plain fun. You will like to kiss him but don’t get too carried away; you will have a whole lifetime to kiss that boy. Make sure you encourage him to serve a mission. It will change both of your lives. You will both grow up while he is gone. While he is serving you will receive a letter that will break your heart. It will be painful but time will dull the pain. Date while he is gone for you will find that there is no one else that comes close to what you want. When he returns he will fill the hole in your heart. He will take you to the temple and you will be sealed to each other for time and all eternity.
Motherhood has always been a part of you. You have always loved babysitting, helping young mothers and taking care of your younger siblings. After you get married that baby hunger will get very strong. Don’t give up. Good things come to those that wait. You will have the chance to be a mother and really come to understand a mother’s love for a child.
Stay strong in the gospel. Support all your Young Women’s activities and absorb all you can. Later on you will be asked to serve in youth capacities and you will take that experience and use it to help other young women. Pray always and listen to the spirit. He will always be there to direct your path. And trust me it is a great path.
I love you. See you soon.
Almost 30 year old you

If you could go back and tell your teenage self something what would it be??? (Thanks Kendra for the fun idea.)


The Reel Fisch Story said...

I love it!! It's fun isn't it!?!

Annie said...

that eagle holds a warm place in my heart! it was you, my dear, who taught me to drive stick shift in that thing!

and, i hated your 10 o'clock curfew. i think for my kids it will be 9 o'clock!

Jes said...

What a good idea! Doesn't 16 seem like forever ago, and yes it would of been nice to have a letter to go along with your 16th birthday to give the heads up on some stuff...boy we sure did have fun though!

Trisha said...

This is so great. It makes me wonder more about your teenage years!

Jenn said...

Very cute letter to yourself. I enjoyed reading it!!

Tiffany said...

I love this idea! Your letter is precious, and I forgot about your speeding problem!

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

I think that is such a good idea! I love reading your stories! I wish I could get a letter right now......

Too bad I can't write one to my sixteen year old self.. not much has happened in the last three years that I can tell myself. Maybe i'll do five year old self!