Tuesday, February 8, 2011

There is too much...Let me sum up

My poor blog needed a good dusting. It has been a while since I posted.

January came and went so fast. I can't believe it! Good riddance, I dislike January. It is such a let down after the holidays.

We did do a few fun things that I will SUM UP.

I seem to do a lot more baking when I am stuck in the house. I am LOVEN' my little helper. It is so fun to let her help me. She can even crack eggs for me. It's great.

We attempted a fire....kind of a bust. It was really cold and the wood was really wet. But fun anyway.

Randy is back in school. So I am back to being alone on the weekends. If the kids are good during the week they get to stay up late and watch movies and eat popcorn while they wait for daddy to get home.

Claire has been having friends over to play. She is a lot more social than Brad was. She asks me almost every day if she can have friends over. I am in trouble.

Life has been good for us. We feel really blessed to have good kids, a warm house and jobs that pay the bills.


Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

How fun!!! I've missed you updating your blog! I'm glad you got a minute to. I love seeing what your family is up to! :)

I can't wait to see you friday!!!! :) Drive safe!!

Taren said...

My second child is much more social than my first......but both of them LOVE having friends over or playing at a friend's house.

That girl's night out looked like a lot of fun. I'm thinking I am in need of some of that!