Sunday, February 15, 2009

Claire's first shiner

It is official. Claire has entered toddlerhood. Every toddler has to get a black eye right?? Every time a bump, bruise, scratch, or cut heals she goes and gets another one.


natalie spratling said...

Jenny, just a little behind with blogging. Loved the last couple of post (not the little shiner) poor little Claire:( but did enjoy the flash back. I too had a fabulous Mom who always made us a warm breakfast - I love that. Have a fabulous week. Your Valentines sounded that it was pink:)

Jenn said...

Good times! There are days that I'm sure people at the grocery store think I beat my child! Claire is beautiful, she is getting so big!

Taren said...

OOOOH how sad! For quite a few months my son had a new bruise about every other day. I think their little heads are too heavy for their bodies. She is a cutie!