Sunday, February 15, 2009

Will you be mine? Valentine Hubby Tag

What are your middle names? Jenny (no middle name) and Randy Todd

How long have you been together? We have been married for 8 years and met 13 years ago.

How long did you know each other before you started dating? I met him my junior year in High School in a seminary class. We started dating about half way through our junior year.

Who asked who out? I asked Randy out for the first time. I was ditched by a boy I was dating. I had an extra ticket to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat starring one of the Osmonds. I called Randy about 2 hours before the show started so he didn’t have enough time to decline the invitation.

How old are each of you? Randy and I are both 28 we will be 29 in May.

Do you have any children together? two- Brad and Claire

What about pets? None yet. One day we want an outside dog with a dog run. Hopefully Brad will be old enough by then to feed it and pick up its poop. I would also love to have a chicken coop so we can have fresh eggs in the morning.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Deciding what we want to do. We are so indecisive when it comes to making a choice when we are out and about. I don’t mind a crowd but Randy cannot stand it.

Did you go to the same school? Same High School but different Colleges

Are you from the same home town? Randy is from Sandy and I grew up in Midvale.

Who is the smartest? Randy has a better memory by LEAPS and BOUNDS. We have studied totally different fields so I am smarter in my field and he is smarter in his field.

Who is the most sensitive? OBVIOUSLY me

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Sit down restaurant- Chilis
Deli- Siegfieds
With the kids- a Del Taco with a playground

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Hawaii

Who has the craziest exes? Probably me… Randy dear Janed me on his mission. Some of the people I dated while he was gone were either rebound or a means to get back at him.

Who has the worst temper? Randy has the bigger temper, but he can get over it REALLY quickly. When I get mad, I stay mad for a long time.

Who does the cooking? Me 99.9% of the time. Sometimes Randy will pour us a bowl of cereal.

Who is more social? I think we are equally social

Who is the neat Freak? I like things clean and tidy…but Randy is THE neat freak. It is so nice to have a husband who is constantly picking up the house.

Who is the more stubborn? If you ask me I would say Randy but I am SURE he would say it was me.

Who hogs the bed? Randy. I get just a little sliver of the bed. It is even worse in the morning when the kids jump in our bed with us.

Who wakes up earlier? We wake up at the same time. But if there is a chance to sleep in, it is usually Randy that does. (If 8:00 is considered sleeping in.)

Where was your first date? Gepettos for dinner…Joseph and the Amazing Technocolor Dream coat at Kingsburry hall… then a hike up Bell canyon.

Who has the bigger family? I have one more sibling than Randy but my extended family is about four times as big as his.

Do you get flowers often? I used to get them ALL of the time. It has been a while since I got them. (I sure hope Randy reads this!!!)

How do you spend the holidays? With family. We try to take turns every other year with my family and his so we don’t have to rush from party to party. That way we can devote ourselves to one party. It has worked really well for us.

Who eats more? Me, I could crush Randy in an eating contest.

Who does/ did the laundry? I do the bulk of the laundry. If I don’t get it all done before Randy comes home from work he will tie up the loose ends.

Who’s better with the computer? Randy, I am a computer idiot.

Who drives when you are together? Randy…the man of the house. I love that he is willing to be the permanent chauffeur for our family.

I would love to hear all about you and your hubby!!! Tag you are it.

1 comment:

Taren said...

I loved reading that.