Friday, November 2, 2012

Salt Lake...Again

The next weekend we went back to Salt Lake City for a Doctor appointment for Harrison.The night we got there we messed around with the babies at Randy's parents house.

Brad brought his Halloween glasses so we tried to get the babies to wear them. They didn't think it was a cool as we did.

Randy's parents were nice enough to babysit so we could go out with Matt, Tori, and Tim.
 Kamie couldn't come because she was working and Lance and Kendra couldn't make it either.

We went to Fat Cats and bowled, and ate pizza. It was so fun.

Tim's mad bowling skills.
Matt played awesome. He kicked our butts in all three games.

The next day Randy took Matt and Brad to Rocky Mountain Raceway to drive the go-carts. I am glad I wasn't there. Randy said they were fast. At one point Brad went off the track and did donuts in the dirt. I am glad they came back alive!!!

Right after Harrison's apt we headed back home. It was a short but sweet visit.

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