Sunday, November 18, 2012 more surgery >: (

I had to have surgery last Friday on my stupid toes. The tendons in my foot are pulling too hard on my toes and rolling them under my feet. So to prevent me from having completely crippled feet later in life I had my tendon released in my 5 toe and my forth toe joint fused with a small prosthetic joint. Hopefully this will make my toes strong enough to prevent the tendon from pulling too tight. If it doesn't work I will have to fuse toes 2 and 3 later on. I am crossing my fingers. I had my right foot done then in six weeks I will have my left foot done. 

This obnoxious boot will be my constant companion for the next 6 weeks. It is heavy clunky and uncomfortable. I think the boot bothers me more than the actual surgery site. 


We had Dr. Blotter our ENT put tubes in Harrison's ears yesterday. We have been battling constant ear infections for the last 3 1/2 months. Every time they look in his ears they are full of fluid. 

When he came out of surgery he was so thirsty and so tired. He just wanted to drink. He couldn't keep his poor eyes open. So he just sat there and drank in his sleep. He had a death grip on the sippy cup and wouldn't let us take it away. 

Dr. Blotter said he had a TON of gunky thick mucus behind his eardrum that wouldn't have cleared up on its own. Hopefully now he will hear better and have better balance. Not to mention be a happy baby again that sleeps through the night.

It feels like our family is taking up surgery as a hobby...between my c-section and hysterectomy, Randy's plate in his head from the baseball accident, my feet and Harrisons ears.


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