I love this time of year because it gives us a chance to reflect on the things that are most precious to us. I love the feelings, the sounds and of course the smells of this Holliday.
Here are a FEW of the many things I am grateful for:
My wonderful husband and children
Our extended family and friends
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ
Our callings- and the blessings that come from serving
The Book of Mormon
Jobs that put a roof over our head and food on the table
Freedom to worship
Sunday dinners
Diet Coke
Our trailer that has taken us all over Utah
Chamomile tea (even better when sipped in a tea parlor)
Long phone conversations with my mom
Clean fresh sheets
Cooking dinner
The biggest looser
Dishwashers (I don’t have one right now and boy I miss it)
Hot tubs
Nap time
Scented candles
Talking to Randy at night when he can barely keep his eyes open
Kami’s Oreo cookies
Core exercise ball
Sleeping in
Going out to dinner (even if it is just a quick stop at Wendy’s)
Contact lenses
Bolt lock on the door
My kids first thing in the morning
Temple sessions
Movie rentals
Pajama pants
A good pediatrician
The mountains
St. Ives apricot face scrub
Deseret Industries
Temple marriage
The day after laundry day when it is done and put away
Change of seasons
I could go on and on but I have potatoes, stuffing and pie to make…..
Happy Thanksgiving.