Tuesday, December 2, 2008


As all of you know I am a huge Biggest Looser fan...Just counting down the days for the finale.

I am totaly rooting for Michelle.

Did anyone else sob tonight when they suprised Michelle with her dad??? What a good episode.

Could you imagine if Jillian was your trainer??? Actually...I can't imagine having my own personal trainer in the first place...but....if Jillian was my trainer I would cry if she even looked at me.

Oh...and I can't wait until Vicky gets the BOOT!!!


Rodeback Family said...

YES...I totally get emotional (usually I don't) but I know how hard it is to lose weight. Do ever notice that they choose beautiful women to lose the weight. Once the shed the weight they are 10x prettier.

katie said...

I agree.....I like Michelle. Don't you just want to poke Vicky's eyes out? And HebaEd 9as annie refers to them) are just strange.
I think I could stand up to Julian. Maybe.

Our Family said...

Okay, I'm not huge into it, but is she the one who went there with her dad and she's pretty young and the episode I saw she got to talk to her family and her boyfriend? Cuz if so, I'd be rooting for her too!

Jenny said...

No she was voted off a couple of weeks ago...Michelle was there with her mom.

Rachel said...

Hey Jen. Someone from work told me your blog address, so I thought I'd say hi. HI. :) I get emotional about Biggest Looser, too! See you soon! Rachel

Simi B. Cazeau said...

I have never watched this show because I don't relate with people of that size BUT I do think they should do a show about the skinniest loser. It's my goal every year to put on some meat on my bones but I have never accomplished it. I seriously get told how skinny I am once a day. I may be skinny but I am not a sissy! I think I can get motivated if I blog about my goal and give everyone and update every 6 months with my stats. What do you think?

Taren said...

I have always been a big fan of biggest loser. This year has been different though. I just haven't found the time to watch it. My son has swim lessons until almost 7:30 and then we eat a late dinner. I hate coming into a program half way through. Jared thinks I'm crazy but I love that show. The only thing he is interested in is the very last 5 min where it shows how much the loser lost.

Annie said...

i think they should have the meduim loser! i don't have 100 pounds to lose, but 30 maybe would be nice. jillian would be a blessing! i love her. for some reason bob is bugging this year!

Our Family said...

Totally off the subject, but Jenny, would your family be up for a lights trip this weekend? Brady and I were thinking it would be fun to go see the lights on Friday or Saturday with you guys if you're not busy!