Friday, February 27, 2009

I was tagged- 6 random things

1- Post the rules on your blog. 2- List 6 random things about yourself. 3- Tag 6 people at the end of your post. 4- Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

6 Random things:

** I can recite every word to “The Princess Bride”. When I am watching it I can’t help but say every word out loud. In fact not a soul will watch it with me. I can’t help it. That is a movie I have to watch on my own.

** I love the taste of anything sour. Vinegar, lime, lemon….Yummm. When I was little I used to pour vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it in my mouth. I wonder why my enamel is almost non-existent.

** When I was 16 I had a run of speeding tickets. After my 4th ticket in a 2 month span I had to go to court and stand in front of a judge. I was terrified. I always considered myself to be a well behaved teen, so facing the law was horrifying. She almost took my license away but took pity on me and put me on probation for 6 months. I haven’t sped since that day.

** I can’t stand the sight sound or thought of paper touching my teeth. My siblings know this and find humor in munching on napkins at the dinner table. It makes my jaw lock up and my body cringe just typing this paragraph.

**I don’t wear a ton of jewelry. However, I make an exception for earings. I love to don a pair. It makes me feel feminine and slightly dressy when I feel frumpy.

**I have a horrible memory. If I don’t write it down or have someone else remember it for me I forget it. Blogging has been a miracle for my memories. I actually recall most of last year.

I tag Kari, Megan, Annie, Tori, Rachel and Alexa


Tiffany said...

These are fascinating! I can hardly believe the speeding tickets and the paper on the teeth. So funny!

katie said...

You need to watch the Sound of Music with Liz. Just to see hwo annoying it really is.

Annie said...

thats why i tell you my forget them the minute we're done talking!!! i remember all those tickets...

Travis D Allred said...

You're a great sport Jen... Learning more about you all the time.