Sunday, January 9, 2011

Brad's Jazz Games

Brad had his first county rec. basketball game on Saturday. He calls them his Jazz games. He plays on a team with several of the kids in our ward.

He has been spending a lot of time practicing at the church with his dad. I was proud of him for paying attention. All that practice translated into his game. He did a great job with defense. He was the only one on his team to receive fouls. In fact he received 2 of them. On the way home he said "It's okay that I got 2 fouls as long as I don't get 5 of them."


Todd and Melissa Titensor said...

How cute! I want to come to one of his games.

katie said...

I 'm pretty sure I fouled out of every game I ever played in.

The Reel Fisch Story said...

hahaha sounds like B-rad!