Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I promise I didn't make him do it

Claire got a new Tutu for her birthday. Brad felt a bit left out and I caught him dancing around with Claire. Brad laughed, jumped around, and acted goofy for a few minutes.

After a few minutes of dancing they both got distracted and started watching a movie. About an hour later our neighbors the Brown's came to the door to deliver Christmas goodies. Brad forgot he was still wearing a Tutu when he answered the door. Once he realized he was still wearing the tutu he turned BRIGHT RED and just started giggling. Our neighbors got a good laugh at my little Sugar Plumb Fairy.

1 comment:

katie said...

I so understand! We have a neighbor who comes out with his camera every time he sees Matthew in the girls dress-ups. He says he's going to give Matthew's future wife the copies one day.