Saturday, October 22, 2011

Time to go HOME!!!!

After only 12 days in the hospital Harrison was taking all of his feedings and was off the oxygen. He was ready. I could not believe how fast he progressed. It took Brad 6 weeks to come home from the hospital so we were so pleasantly surprised to have Harrison come home so early.

Taking off all the cords and monitors. He hated having his feet touched. Usually it meant a blood test or a poke to the foot.

Finally free from everything.

I picked out the smallest outfit I had in the closet. We sat and giggled. It looked like he had clown pants on. He still looked so cute.

Before we left all the nurses had to come and snuggle him and say their goodbyes. Harrison had made some good friends in the NICU.

Ready to go all bundled in the car seat.

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