Wednesday, November 19, 2008

4th folder 4th picture tag

I was tagged with this post a while ago. It has just taken me a while to get around to doing it.

This is my fourth folder and fourth picture from my computer. This is Brad and his Uncle Matt right before Matt left for Scotland on his mission.

Wow that seems like yesterday and forever ago all at once. Matt and his friend Tori are living in Cache Valley going to school. They stopped by Sunday night to say hi on their way back to Logan. When they walked in the door, Claire jumped out of my lap and waved her arm around in excitement when she saw them. My kids have the greatest Aunts and Uncles on both sides of the family. They are so lucky.

I tag anyone who wants to play!!!


mickey said...

Truly it amazes me how fast time goes, yet how we are able to bask in a moment. Sweet picture.

Sara said...

Jenny I have priced matched at wal-mart and still used the coupon. I just tell them the items taht I am price matching and then \give them the stack of coupons at the end. It shouldn't matter about the coupons because the comp that the coupon is for sends them a monthly check for all the coupons used in their store. So they get the money back.

Stacy said...

WOW! Brad is small! And look at Matt, he was so young!