Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I am going to jail...

So this is my confessional for stealing. I went to Park City today to spend some birthday money and I was caught shoplifting again. Okay not really…. But I did find some extraordinarily, amazing deals. I felt like a criminal when I left the cash registers.
These super adorable onsies were 70% off at Carters. Who can pass that up???
The Callaway golf store was having a Memorial Day sale and I got these really nice polo shirts for Randy. They were only $10 a piece. Normally to have the Callaway logo stitched on the front costs an extra $50. Luckily we got the logo for free this time.
I usually don’t shop at Aeropostale because it hurts my wallet. Plus formula and diapers usually trump my desire for a fashionable wardrobe. But… there were sale banners in the window. The temptation was too irresistible. I had to go in. What a fabulous decision. I walked out only spending $20 on 3 shirts a pair of shoes and some really cute earrings.

And last but not least my favorite store in all of Outlet Shopping adventures is the Children’s Place. All of these clothes were $2 a piece. Can you believe it? I was like a vulture in that store. I had to refrain from buying that same cute sweater in purple and yellow as well. It was hard to settle with just 3 of the same shirt. And the hats….$0.99….yes….almost free today.
Disclaimer: I am not getting paid to advertise for the Tanger Outlet mall. I just have a burning desire to share my exhilaration... It feels good. Usually when I go shopping I have the buyer’s remorse sinking gut feeling. But today I think I did pretty well.


katie said...

Love it Jenny. We had similar success at the outlets near Liz's. I walked out of the NIKE outlet with a perfect pair of trailrunners for $13.99. Sweaters for my girls at Old Navy for $.97. Love it.

natalie spratling said...

I love a good sale. The best place here to find a sale is Old Navy and Target...not much else.

Stacy said...

WOW! You are going to jail! What deals you found! I hate shopping when I have to spend money but I love it when I can find great deals, and save LOTS of money!! Good job!