Saturday, May 24, 2008

You might be a redneck.

Have any of you ever seen Jeff Foxworthy? He does this really funny red neck routine... He is hilarious. He tells these highly amusing “you might be a red-neck” jokes.
If you have never heard this routine, go here.
Well I have my own…..
If you have ever attended an Arena Football League game…you might be a red neck. Seriously…..
Randy got tickets for us to go see the Utah Blaze play at the ESA. I am not kidding when I say I have never seen anything like it.
I have been to several Jazz games and seen some pretty fanatical fans…But I think the Blaze fans slaughter the enthusiasm of the Jazz fans. I mean… it was the biggest white trash, motorcycle riding, beer belly, missing tooth (or teeth) Blaze passion mania.
Don’t get me wrong I had an absolute riot. I got to act like a total fool and not a single person batted an eye at me. It was insane. The fans can sit right next to the floor pads and just get clobbered by the players. One lady got hit pretty hard and was taken out of the arena on a stretcher. I am surprised they don’t make people sign a waiver for bodily injury when they buy a ticket. (No worries we were on the 25th row… we were marginally safe.) Kind of football meets hockey.
It was a really fun date. I highly recommend it…That is, if you want a chance to let your hair down and act like a hootin’ hollerin’ idiot and still totally fit in. We have tickets again in June and I can’t wait.

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