Thursday, November 20, 2008

Counting down the days until we leave this city....

Whoever did this....

and this....

...had better run long, fast and hard. If I ever catch or see you, a good flogging will be in order.

My son is freaking out that a bad guy came to our house and stole our radio out of our car and broke the window. Ever since Halloween he has been scared at night...this is just the icing on the cake.


Tim said...

That is why you drive a 1979 buick skylark. No one wants it and they think you're poor and you need it worse then them. sorry that sucks!!!

Wendy said...

That is awful. I don't understand how people can do things like that and not think twice about their actions. It baffles me. Thanks for your comment by the way. Tell your hubby Adam says hi.

Simi B. Cazeau said...

This is a joke! You guys even have that big light that lights up the whole neighborhood. I'm sorry you guys had to go through this.

mickey said...

i get it. we didn't last long in that blessed city. i'm sorry that really is awful, darn bad guys. here's a little message for them: for pete's sake go out and get a real job and buy your OWN stereo. oh, and by the way could you please pay for the window to be replaced? thanks a lot, seriously.

Andrea Campbell said...

That is so frustrating! Let us know when your available to come visit. Dillan REALLY wants Brad to come over.

Jenn said...

Jenny that sucks so bad! We had our cars broken into a few weeks ago. Sorry!

natalie spratling said...

oh, Jenny, I am so sorry.

katie said...

There's a house for sale by me!

Stacy said...

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I thought your house was safe because of all the light. SORRY!

Steven and Kari said...

that freaking blows!!! Last time I saw someone get robbed I tried to chase after them.... needless to say steven wasn't happy with me.. I am sorry that you live in the Ghetto, but soon you will live in logan, happy thoughts...

Anonymous said...

i feel your pain! happened to dan and i while we lived at the apartment. seriously, why can't people keep their hands to themselves!

Sara said...

haha to Tim's comment. But this freakin sucks. I am so sorry and I can't wait for you to get out of West Valley either.