Sunday, March 15, 2009

Brad's Birthday Party.

For Brad's Birthday we had a small get together with our family and a few of our close friends. Since the weather cooperated we decided to have it at the park. We ate lunch and the kids played on the playground. It was good to see Brad with some of his friends. Since moving he has not been able to play with them for a while. He was so excited to see some familiar faces.

I was so busy helping Brad open presents that I neglected to notice the babies digging into Brad’s cake. I am glad someone noticed to snap a few pictures of them devouring as fast as they could before being shut down.

Brad you are such a special sweet boy to your dad and I. We love you dearly. You have brought so much joy to our life. We can't imagine life without you. Happy Birthday!!!


Jenn said...

Looks like so much fun! I can't believe how old Brad is, I remember you bring him to work one day right after you had him. Where does the time go?

Kim said...

Happy b-day to Brad. Looks like a fun party & no snow is a plus!

Andrea Campbell said...

Sorry we couldn't make it. I would've loved to be there. Looks like it was a lot of fun.

Sara said...

Happy Birthday Brad!

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

Tell brad happy late birthday for me! That looks like lots of fun! Those years have gone by very fast and I'm so so so glad that brad is healthy and just the perfect little boy for you and randy!

Brad and Rochelle said...

Happy Birthday Brad! Wow time flies by. I remember that was the first time that my Brad introduced me to you, was in the hospital right after you had him.

The Hood's said...

Looks like so much fun! Brad is such a doll!

Simi B. Cazeau said...

That was a fun get together! I was pretty tired thats why we didn't stay for dinner....