Friday, March 20, 2009

Good nights mean good mornings

I have been trying my best to be a good guest in this lovely house. Sometimes my kids get a little hyper and crazy in the mornings. Kari works late thus she is not up at the crack of dawn like my children. I have tried all kinds of activities to hush them in the wee morning hours. I found the perfect solution…

…Brad will play out on the deck for most of the morning. He loves to be outside and it contains the noise to the outside. It is perfect.
Now I am just waiting for the neighbors to complain about the noise. Oh well, we can cross that bridge when we get there.

I swore when I was a teenager that when I had kids they would never have boogers on their face or nose. That is like so disgusting. How could a mother just let their kids be boogey smeared? It so grossed me out.
Time has sure mellowed me…Go ahead Claire…be as boogery as you want. I don’t care….If I have to hear you cry out every time I wipe your cute little nose I will be torn in two.

I took Claire to Dr. Shakula’s yesterday and she has ear infections, sinus infections and bronchitis. Poor little girl. We have had a few rough nights. That expression is raw emotion. No acting. That is how she really feels. The boogers are real too…no theater makeup.


Andrea Campbell said...

That is so sad when they're that little and sick. Cambree has had a double ear infection and an eye infection this last week. Luckily, I didn't even realize anything was wrong with her ears. I was just worried about the goo in her eyes.

The Hood's said...

Don't all little boys love to be outside? Sam wouldn't care if it was 2 degrees, he'd be doing the same thing Brad is!
Poor little Claire! I hope she gets over this soon... she doesn't look at all happy! Good luck mom!

Brad and Rochelle said...

I hope Claire starts feeling better. Ear infections are bad enough without all the other things. Brad is adorable! Sometimes simple things to entertain are the best.

Steven and Kari said...

Jen, you can't wake the dead!!!

Anonymous said...

They made me clean my room and my hampser named Buddy. I would love to invite you to watch it with me!!

Jes said...

Get better Claire! She is still cute boogers and all!

Kyle and Ashlie said...

I am soooo sorry! The sickness must have gotten through the floor of your condo and the ceiling of mine because Bridger has had a double ear infection, bronchitis, and teething about 7 teeth! I feel for ya! It'll get better!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenny! Guess what I got Twilight so now we need to plan a day for you to come over and watch it! So blog me and tell me when you want to come and watch it and we can play games also!

Anonymous said...

Poor little Clair I hope she gets better soon!

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

awwww.. poor claire! I hope she gets feeling better soon! I hate being sick, and for her being so little, that's not got to be fun!!

Brad is so stinkin cute! I have to say that would probably entertain me for hours...

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

Yeah, they died just 3 months apart from each other..

OKAY!!! Lets seriously plan a day and just have a girls day and watch it, maybe before you move!! :] -I'm serious too! I miss seeing you guys!