Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Clean Bill of Health

Brad had his Kindergarten checkup today. Everything looks good. I was so proud of him when he got his shots. He was so excited to get “way cool” band aids. In fact when he got in the tub tonight he was devastated they fell off. He told me before hand that he didn’t need to cry. He was going to be way tough like his dad. When the nurse was ready he wrapped his arms around my neck tight and told the nurse he was ready. (Seriously it was so cute.) I whispered in his ear that he could say ouch in my ear if he wanted to. He made it until the last shot and he cried for only about 5 seconds wiped his tears and said “Thank you” to his nurse. (I taught him right…always say thank you to your nurse. She still has a needle in her hand) He really was so tough. As soon as he got in the car he wanted to call both his grandmas to tell them about his band aids. Brad is still off the charts in height but still way low on weight. No matter what we do we can’t get him to gain poundage. So next time you see him, please offer him a cube of butter to suck on.

Just for the record: Brad was 47 inches tall and weighed 45 pounds. How would it be to be more inches than pounds??? I will NEVER know.

Dr. Shakula went through a random list of the routine health questions. When he got to the “Is he having any problems with urinating or having bowel movements?” I said not unless peeing all over the toilet is a problem. Brad peered over at me and started to snicker. Soon it turned into a belly laugh and he was giggling uncontrollably. Then Dr. Shakula and I started to roll. We were not laughing at my stupid joke just laughing that Brad got such a kick out of it. Seriously though I think I need to start putting cheerios in the toilet bowl again. I swear he pees everywhere besides in the toilet. Does this ever get any better???


Steven and Kari said...

His bands were pretty much awesome!!!

It doesn't help that our toliet seats are "special"

Tiffany said...

What a darling boy! The part about the shots made me all choked up.

Jenn said...

Aleast get's close, Ri still won't go anywhere near the potty! She'll be in diapers until she's 10!

The Hood's said...

Maybe I'll buy stock in Cheerios! How funny he got such a kick out of it! What a cute sense of humor!

Andrea Campbell said...

That doesn't suprise me that Brad laughed about that. Dillan and he are a lot alike and I know that he would've laughed too!

Beck said...

Dr. Shakula is Mimi's doctor too and we love him! Although the shots are never pleasant- especially when the nurses make you hold them down...

Glad to hear you've got such a trooper!

Any word on the house yet?

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

that is so cute! I know bradley was a tough little boy! It runs in the family..... ha ha ha jk jk jk but that really is so awesome, and I must admit... I LOVE bandaids! Sometimes if I find a cute one I'll just put it on for fun, and not even have a cut! I know i'm a nerd!

Annie said...

he is too cute! kindergarten already!!!

Jes said...

I hope he got the bandaids he wanted to make it worth it! Good Job Brad!!! We had so much fun with you guys at Gateway, I need to post a disclaimer that the Tracks was only possible due to you.

Anonymous said...

Hey this is Kiersti I got a blog :] That is way cute!!

katie said...

I'm afraid of boys and toilets. Seriously, my girls never miss. I'm surprised we didn't see you at the dr's. Close to $200 in the last two weeks in co-pays and medicine. I think he needs to cut me a deal seeing as we're there so much! I think my kids purposely get sick just so they can go see dr. shakula.