Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Deutschland Chapter III

Sunday May 17th
We drove into downtown Frankfurt. Everything was closed on Sunday. Even the malls, shops, and Bakeries were doors were shut. There was a surreal hush over the entire city. I wish America would catch on to this little trend. Everyone was at home. We had the whole place to ourselves. Randy was relieved to not have to drive in all of the traffic. We found great parking and walked everywhere. We walked out onto the Bridge over the Main River. Because it was Sunday all of the bells from every church were ringing. I will miss the music from the church bells. I have never heard anything like it before.

After lunch we headed to Worms. A city Randy served in for a few months. It was Christi Himmelfahrt ( the celebration of Christ’s ascension) so almost the whole city was at mass. We had to wait until it was over to walk around the cathedral. Out of all of the cathedrals we saw this one was my favorite. It was so old. Maybe it was the incense lingering in the air or a the congregation but I was really in awe when I walked in. Most of the cathedrals were so elaborate and ornate that it was almost distracting and sometimes disturbing. This one was uncomplicated and simple. All of the gardens and stone were aged. This was also where Martin Luther stood trial for challenging the authority of the church. I wanted to stay there but we still had a lot of ground to cover that day.

We visited Randy’s branch house and touched base with the Busam family that Randy worked with. Their family was again so nice. The oldest daughter remembered Randy and pulled pictures out of her diary of Randy giving her piggy back rides. She remembered Randy as being the fun missionary. I got a kick out of that. Sister Busam injured her ankle so the girls made us a strudel and we sat outside and visited. Brother Busam requested that we send him beef jerky and Bullseye BBQ sauce. I got a kick out of that as well.

That night we met up with our friends Morgan and Tiko who both served a mission in Germany. We stayed the night in a guest house in a little village. It was EVERY cliché that I had in my mind about Germany; the beautiful homes, gardens, right down to the old German Farmers. It was so quaint and old-fashioned. Even the key to the door was a skeleton key. I LOVED it. We stayed up late with Morgan and Tiko recounting the events of our separate trips thus far.

The view from our bedroom window.


Beck said...

How incredibly lucky you are to have been able to see so many amazing things! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos.

Steph said...

Sounds like so much fun!! Thanks for taking us on a trip to Germany.

katie said...

This makes me want to go somewhere. Somewhere outside of my normal five mile radius. Keep the pictures coming!

amy said...

ah Germany! I am loving reading about your trip thus far. Seeing the picture of the Main river made me want to go back SO bad. Taren & I used to ride our bikes home along that river every day. Great times! I'm so glad that you & Randy got to go back. I'm hoping one day I'll be able to take my hubby back to the mission stomping ground. OH, and Randy was a fun missionary...that's for sure. :)