Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Shhhhhh...don't tell Brad

Brad always gets anxiety when Claire is in his room. She likes making messes and Brad likes to keep things clean and organized. (He picked up a little OCD from his dad. I guess it is contagious. Claire and I must be immune.)

We finally had to make a rule that Claire needs to stay out of Brad's room unless he invites her in to play. It works pretty well and we have dodged some nasty fights.

After we drop Brad off at school Claire always makes a B-line to Brads room and hides herself in the corner. She loves going through all his books. I let her entertain herself for a half and hour or so then help her clean everything up before Brad gets home from school.

Lets assess what I am teaching my daughter:

1. It is okay to do something as long as no one knows.
2. If you are going to do it hide in the corner.
3. Hurry and clean up all evidence before you get caught.
4. Smile really cute and blink those big hazel eyes and mommy will say yes

Moral of the story...What Brad does not know wont hurt him... and I am creating a giant monster...a really cute giant monster.


Sara said...

HAHA This made me laugh so hard! She is a doll and you are in trouble the older she gets!

Taren said...

That is funny! I do the same thing with my older two. Zach wants to be just like Colton and Colton can't stand it sometimes. By the way, belated Happy birthday to your little princess. I can't believe how big she has grown in a year. She is quite the little beauty!

Steven and Kari said...

She is going to be trouble;) I love it;)

Steven said...

i went threw your crap when you weren't home growing up.