Friday, September 5, 2008

Flash Back Friday

Today was Brad’s first day back to pre-school. It has been such a long summer without Mrs. Thompson. He was so excited to walk in those doors today. He is growing up so fast. I can’t believe it. I wanted to see what he looked like on his first day of school last year and pulled up this picture. I can’t believe the difference just one year makes. He has changed in so many ways. He is such a handsome, confidant, social, little man.

Brad has been trying on different personalities in the last few weeks. Right now he is experimenting with a very sassy persona. He has been saying things lately that stagger me a little. Let me give you a few examples.

- This morning when I tried to him out of bed to get ready, he wouldn’t. After about the third time of going into his room I said “Brad get moving!” He says back to me. “Look mom I AM moving” lifts his arm up in the air, flops it down, and rolls back over to sleep.

- A couple of days ago I was on my way to his grandma’s house. I was trying to avoid construction and took a different route. Brad noticed right away and says. “Mom I don’t think you are going the right way! I know this is not the way to Nanny’s”. I reply “Yes it is Brad. Mom is just going a different way so we won’t have to wait in traffic.” He says back quite snappy. “I know this is not right. Maybe my Nanny MOVED!!!”

These just might be primitive glimpses into his teenage self. I hope we get our sweet little Bradley back soon. I don’t want to rush into adolescence early.


Chris and Heather said...

Its crazy how fast kids pick up on things. I am just amazed. You kids are so cute. I enjoy looking at your blog and seeing the cute pictures and the cute saying Brad says.

Our Family said...

haha, I don't know how you handle it! I can't do sassy! This is Brady's (who works with Randy) wife. Randy told us to comment so you would know how to find us!

mickey said...

He is so handsome Jenny, no wonder your so proud. Perhaps we could set up and arranged marriage between Brad and Megan. She would be a little older, but hey whose counting? Not me. he he

I married a younger man. :)

katie said...

Just you wait!