Monday, September 22, 2008

Running a little behind...

So I am a little behind on blogging. Our modem crashed so we didn’t have internet for a few days. When it was up and running again, I couldn’t peel Randy off the computer because of school work. I have to fight for computer time. So here are a FEW things that have been going on….

P.S. Just a little update on Grandma, she is getting pretty sick. It is hard for her. She gets sad when she doesn’t get to cuddle her little grandkids. We are so worried she will get sick. Her immune system is about zero…the slightest cold could really knock her through a loop. Also, Grandpa was in the hospital this weekend. We almost lost him. He had a hemorrhaging ulcer and a raging infection in his foot. He is out of intensive care but could use your prayers as well. It is really hard to see them go through all of this. They still seem so young to me.


natalie spratling said...

Jenny, love the new halloween layout and all of the fun pictures. I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma Reimann - cancer is nasty! Love the sweet picutre of you with your little doll. How fun that Clair is taking an interest.

Annie said...

gees i have been worried about you!!! glad to know it was technology! when randy is done it will be so worth it!!! you already know that. and, there is light at the end of the tunnel. so sorry about grandma and grandpa. they are amazing people. i'll be praying. your kids are so stinking cute, as if you already didn't know.

mickey said...

I love your new look too! I am sorry to hear about your grandparents.