Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We took Claire to Dr. Shakula on Thursday. She has been sick and as we suspected she had a sinus infection. He put her on some antibiotics and wished us luck. Luck is what we needed. She has been pretty fussy the last few days. The only solace is bath time. Being in the water makes her happy. As you can imagine we have spent a LOT of time in the tub this week. She has also been particularly clingy and cuddly. I love it when she puts her head down on my chest to fall asleep. Usually she is so active and busy she is not in the mood to cuddle…she could miss something. I’ll take it!!! There is nothing better than a cuddly baby.


katie said...

God Bless Dr. S!

Stacy said...

I hope she gets feeling better! It is never fun when they are sick!