Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Random thoughts

- My hat goes off to single mothers!!! I don’t think I could handle it. That is without the help of valium or some serious sedatives. Randy has been drowning in school work. Every minute he is doing a group project, a paper, or studying for an exam. We apply for graduation this fall!!!! Thank goodness. I NEED my husband back.
- We are still plugging along with Brad’s listening chart. (See HERE) So far he has earned 20 stars. When he got to 10 I bought him an ice cream sundae from McDonalds. Now that he has 20 I took him to the dollar store to pick out a toy. IT IS WORKING!!! Best $2.00 I ever spent. When he gets to 30 he gets a big Halloween party with all his friends. Keep your calendars open in October I am sure he will earn it.
Brad was more than ready to show off his new toy. I love Honk's $1.00 store. Tuesdays are $0.88 day so actually it was the best $1.88 I ever spent. - My heart is aching for my Grandma Reimann. We found out she has cancer and has to go through chemo. I went over to her house this morning with my aunts to help clean her house. She was quite tearful and scared. Plus it is really humiliating to have someone else clean your toilets and do your laundry. (I’ve been there and know how she feels) So, those of you that have met her or know her…please say a prayer for her. And if you don’t know her please say one anyway. She is an amazing lady.
- I was asked to write the Primary Program this year. I am almost done with it. However if anyone has their script done and perfect I will pay GOOD money for a boot-leg copy of it. Didn’t the church used to write the program for everyone??
- Did anyone else realize Christmas is almost here AGAIN? Where has this year gone?


Annie said...

so sorry to hear about grandma reimann! she is a sweat lady, and i will pray.

i love the listening chart! do you think we can make those for husbands? you know, tell them something and ask them to repeat it back???

christmas is cancelled at our house this year! family dollar and costco have all their stuff out!

Taren said...

I so get the husband in school thing. I think I have said that same thing about single mothers word for word. We are all sick of my husband being gone. Good for you guys that he is almost done. We still have 4 years at least.

I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. I hope all goes well.

katie said...

Bless Grandma. Hope everything goes okay. As for the primary program...i had to write one a few years back. Are you in the primary or did they jsut ask you to do it? It usually goes to the 1st counselor. Use the friend! Call me and i'll help you.

Jenny said...

Yup...you guessed it.
I am the first counselor in the primary pres.

Jenn said...

That listening chart is such a great idea! I think I might try it out with Rian!

Chris and Heather said...

I know what you mean. I wish that Chris was done with school also but we still have a couple of years left. I do say, I'm thankful that I have Christian. He makes it so it is not so boring while Chris studies. It is hard to parent by yourself though. I am so thankful that I am not a single parent.

Our Family said...

That really is a great idea for Brad! I'm a big believer in incentives! :) I also send my love for your grandma. That's tough!

So Brady told me about the Golf club! I guess Randy is VERY proud of it! ;)

mickey said...

Christmas being around the corner is really a shocker for me too. Time is going WAY to fast! Pretty soon [in the next five years, which I know will go fast] all my kids will be in school and then I'll be aching to hold a new little one.

It all happens in a blink of an eye.

mickey said...

OH and about your primary program...how many songs are you doing? I am the Primary Chorister and we are doing nine...with another 4 by a group of kids our 1st counselor is calling the "Primary Choir." As it draws near [this sunday] I am starting to feel sick, maybe I'm coming down with something. Naw it's probally just anxiety.