Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Timberlakes weekend getaway...

One of Randy’s mission friends (Taren) and her husband invited us to a family cabin this weekend. It was up in Heber. The cabin was beautiful and so pleasant. It was fun to get to know them better. I have heard so much about Randy’s mission, so it was fun to chat with someone who shares those same memories. There were three couples there. We all have 2 kids each and ALL of our kids are blondies. The kids played games watched movies explored outside, and of course threw rocks. The adults conversed, laughed, ate, and laughed some more. We didn’t want to leave on Saturday… we could have stayed all week long. The fall leaves were vibrant, the company was fantastic, and it was just plain old relaxing. Thank you Johnson family for the invite. Click HERE to check out their blog.

1 comment:

Taren said...

Colton has asked to go to the cabin everyday since we got back. He doesn't realize that Brad won't be there. He had a lot of fun.