Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Husband Tag

Thanks for the Tag Kari

1. Where did you meet?
I saw Randy for the first time our Junior Year of High School. We were in the same Seminary Class.

2. How long did you date before you got married?
We dated our Junior and Senior Year of High School and the year before he went on his mission. When he got home we only dated 2 weeks before getting engaged.

3. How long have you been married?
It will be 7 years in a couple of weeks.

4. What is your favorite feature of his?
I love his rosy cheeks. Brad has them too and I think it is absolutely adorable.

5. What is your favorite quality of his?
He is not afraid to be himself. He doesn’t care what people say or think. He stands up for what he believes. He is also a great father and husband.

6. Does he have a nickname for you?
He calls me Jenafire. It is a nickname I had growing up and I find it rather cute that he still calls me by that name.

7. What is his favorite color?
It used to be blue. But he recently has ventured into some red.

8. What is his favorite food?
Tacos…I don’t know if it is because they really are his favorite or it is because it is his signature dish that he can make for dinner.

9. What is his favorite sport?
To Play—Golf
To watch—Jazz basketball and college football

10. When and where was your first kiss?
At my parents house in the kitchen. I remember being embarrassed because his friends were in the back yard playing ball on the basketball court and I knew they could see us in the window.

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
We love to watch movies together at home after the kids go to bed.
My favorite thing to do is go out to eat with him. (no cooking or dishes!!!)

12. Do you have any children?
Yes—Brad-4 and Claire 10 months

13. Does he have a hidden talent?
Randy can sing really well. It is a talent he discovered on his mission. I love his voice.

14. How old is he?

15. Who said "I love you" first?
I am SURE it was me… but I honestly don’t remember.

16. What is his favorite type of music?
He really does like almost anything. I think the only stuff he doesn’t care for is some of the weird stuff my dad listens to.

17. What do you admire most about him?
I admire how hard he works. He is the most UN-Lazy (is that a word?) person I have ever met. He plays hard, cleans hard, studies hard, and loves us hard. He sets his mind on things and always follows through.

18. Do you think he will read this? YES. He is just as addicted to blogger world as I am. He reads ALL of your blogs as well.

I tag Annie, Eric (wife tag of course), Bree, Taren, Lisa


katie said...

I think you're next child should be named Husky. You would have never met if it wasn't for Hillcrest.

mickey said...

It was so nice to learn so much about your sweetheart. I loved learning how you met and I have to agree with Katie, Husky is a great name especially if it's a boy even more unique if it's a girl! he he he

Taren said...

Those peaches look yummy! Love the new background. I always love to see there really are people who can be married and happy. And by the way, Randy doesn't like all music. He made me promise to not listen to punk when I got home. I think rap was his music of choice at the time. And I agree, He has a nice voice. I have proof on tape.

Jes said...

Jen I love the new look of your blog, I loved reading all about Randy, I remember when you guys started that was a long time ago!

Our Family said...

Wait, Hillcrest? That's where me and all my siblings went to school! I wonder...

I can see why Randy and Brady get along so well!

amy said...

how fun to get to know Elder Fischer better (sorry, that's his name in my mind)! :) We hope to meet you & your cute family someday. maybe next time we're in Utah.

Rodeback Family said...

This post is great. My blog is under construction and a lot of my friends are still not on the list. No worries Jen you are still my buddy!

Simi B. Cazeau said...

Ahhh how cute! This post makes me miss my Randolf. I think I need to rekindle the fire we once had and buy an Xbox LOl...Great Post. PS don't tell Randy I have a blog hahaha

Annie said...

thanks for the tag...i'll do it, soon. 7! you have a beautiful family!

Kurt and Katie Rowley said...

Always fun to learn about people (and get a "refresher" course)! I can't even believe that you guys have been married for so long! Whoa! You guys are all too cute!